Persons in both sources

1203Reni, GuidoQ109061artist room (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)
template_provider building (deckenmalerei)
template_provider room (deckenmalerei)
1476Pellegrini, Giovanni AntonioQ1358364artist (deckenmalerei)
artist (heurist)
1491Bérain, JeanQ1373528artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)
template_provider room (deckenmalerei)
2061Watteau, Jean-AntoineQ183221artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
template_provider room (deckenmalerei)
2694Vouet, SimonQ317920artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)
template_provider building (deckenmalerei)
2730Dorigny, MichelQ3309511artist (heurist)
template_provider building (deckenmalerei)
2835Mignard, PierreQ360010artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)
3312Sanzio, RaffaelloQ5597artist room (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)
3354Cotte, Robert deQ568839architect building (deckenmalerei)
architect room (heurist)
3807Jouvenet, JeanQ712455artist (heurist)
artist room (deckenmalerei)
artist room (heurist)
6378Lancret, NicolasQ188172artist (heurist)
template_provider room (deckenmalerei)
7046Boucher, FrançoisQ180932artist (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)

Most frequent persons (at least 5 occurances)

A person is counted multiple times, if they are e.g. connected to a room and the painting within this room. So the number here may not be the same as the number of entries on the map page, that lists the paintings.
3879Ludwig XIV., Frankreich, KönigQ774250commissioner (heurist)
2592Le Vau, LouisQ31053049architect room (heurist)
artist (heurist)
2466Le Brun, CharlesQ27167630artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
1497Le Sueur, EustacheQ137872316artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
3780Errard, CharlesQ70696016artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
7405Dussaux, Jean-Marie16artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
7596Mazarin, JulesQ16605616commissioner (heurist)
7641Colbert, Jean BaptisteQ18897116commissioner (heurist)
2835Mignard, PierreQ36001015artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)
3900Hardouin-Mansart, JulesQ805315architect room (heurist)
commissioner (heurist)
21Anonyme13architect room (heurist)
artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2616Mansart, FrançoisQ31370113architect room (heurist)
2730Dorigny, MichelQ330951113artist (heurist)
template_provider building (deckenmalerei)
2535Boullogne, BonQ290982311artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2625Champaigne, Philippe deQ31481411artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
1170La Fosse, Charles deQ106658010artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
3795Lemercier, JacquesQ70885810architect room (heurist)
4269Coypel, NoëlQ97513510artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
1491Bérain, JeanQ13735289artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)
template_provider room (deckenmalerei)
2547Poerson, CharlesQ29600329artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2694Vouet, SimonQ3179209artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
template_provider (deckenmalerei)
template_provider building (deckenmalerei)
2214Chamois, CharlesQ209471668architect room (heurist)
2826Blanchet, ThomasQ35249268artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
7402Bélanger, François-JosephQ3277158architect room (heurist)
7736France, Charles-Philippe deQ77588commissioner (heurist)
1461Grimaldi, Giovanni FrancescoQ13428097artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2181Houasse, René-AntoineQ20531427artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2397Mignard, NicolasQ25551787artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2796Lespagnandelle, MathieuQ346183127artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2838Caffieri, PhilippeQ36110417artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
3069Audran, ClaudeQ51286867artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
3825Brosse, Salomon deQ7258167architect room (heurist)
6786Mosnier, Jean (P)Q31736247artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
1290Camot, AndréQ1174059286artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2010Valperga, MaurizioQ171737646architect room (heurist)
2265Clemens August I., Köln, ErzbischofQ2150866commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
2664Champaigne, Jean-Baptiste deQ31645096artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2751Loir, Nicolas PierreQ33405356artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
3807Jouvenet, JeanQ7124556artist (heurist)
artist room (deckenmalerei)
artist room (heurist)
6417Paillet, AntoineQ28543026artist (heurist)
7389Troy, Jean deQ185083696artist (heurist)
7476Médicis, Marie deQ1820216commissioner (heurist)
7481Louis XVQ77386commissioner (heurist)
7826Gruyn des Bordes, Charles6commissioner (heurist)
648Inconnu5architect room (heurist)
artist (heurist)
commissioner (heurist)
1278Véniat, GuillaumeQ1173127525artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
2661Corneille, Jean-BaptisteQ31639775artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
3105Pajou, Augustin5artist room (heurist)
3402Coypel, AntoineQ5859265artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
3687Opstal, Gérard vanQ6735735artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
4176Le Muet, PierreQ9517175architect room (heurist)
6759Dupré, Jacques (p) ?Q1173127725artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
7404Dugourc, Jean-DémosthèneQ31653525artist (heurist)
artist room (heurist)
7566Béthune, Maximilien-François deQ755729045commissioner (heurist)
7576Lefebvre de La Barre, Antoine5commissioner (heurist)
7581Hardy, Antoine5commissioner (heurist)
8944Anne d'AutricheQ1512095commissioner (heurist)

Female persons

18Anna, Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Herzogincommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
228Charlotta Amalia, Nassau-Usingen, Fürstincommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
243Closter, Sophie Luise Charlotte voncommissioner room (deckenmalerei)
438Fugger, Maria Josepha Antoniacommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
498Grafeneck, Marie Louise voncommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
549Hahn, Anna Margrethe von, a.d.H. Basedowcommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
855Maria Clara, Altensumerau und Prasberg, Vogt, geborene von Hallwylcommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
975Obwexer, Maria Annacommissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
984Oettingen-Wallerstein, Maria Anna Eleonora Sophie, Gräfincommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
1194Holle, Elisabeth vonQ108654930commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
1425Gemmingen, Maria Anna Margaretha von, Lindau, FürstäbtissinQ1312203commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
1686Königsegg-Rothenfels, Maria Karolina vonQ15450292commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
1689Stadion, Maria Maximiliana vonQ15450530commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
1740Montfort, Maria Theresia vonQ15833896commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
1770Sophie Dorothea, Preußen, KöniginQ161131commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
2199Dorothea, Braunschweig-Lüneburg, HerzoginQ2086776commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
2223Franziska, HohenheimQ212506commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
2340Wilhelmine Friederike Sophie, Brandenburg-Bayreuth, MarkgräfinQ237740artist room (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
2343Elisabeth Amalie Magdalene, Pfalz, KurfürstinQ237761commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
2349Augusta, Braunschweig-Lüneburg, HerzoginQ238458commissioner (deckenmalerei)
2355Anna Amalia, Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, HerzoginQ241250commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
2472Nassau-Diez, Henriette Amalie, Fürstin vonQ271927commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
2475Nassau-Diez, Albertine Agnes, Fürstin vonQ271950commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
2478Maria Elisabeth Auguste, Pfalz, KurfürstinQ272476commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
2529Anna Sophie, Hessen-Darmstadt, LandgräfinQ290123commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
2724Boullogne, MadeleineQ3275598artist room (heurist)
3108Hedwig, Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, HerzoginQ525125commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
3375Sophie, Hannover, KurfürstinQ57224commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
3384Sophie Charlotte, Brandenburg, KurfürstinQ57674commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
3546Magdalena Sibylla, Württemberg, HerzoginQ62217commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
3660Dorothea Sophie, Brandenburg, KurfürstinQ65933commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
3855Magdalena, Hohenlohe-Weikersheim, GräfinQ75345731commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
3861Auguste Dorothea, Braunschweig-Lüneburg, HerzoginQ766388commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
6852Heußlein von Eussenheim, Anna Katharina Sophiacommissioner room (deckenmalerei)
6897Lipperheide, Elisabeth voncommissioner room (deckenmalerei)
6898Etzbach, Margarete Franziskacommissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
6930Oettingen-Spielberg, Ludovika Rosalie voncommissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
6936Kageneck, Maria Anna Franziska Eleonore, Reichsgräfincommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
6945Rüdt Collenberg, Anna Benignacommissioner room (deckenmalerei)
6972Luise, Preußen, KöniginQ156723commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
6998Aemilie Antoinie, Oldenburg-Delmenhorst, Gräfincommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
7002Maria Anna Leopoldine, Thun-Hohenstein, Gräfincommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
7004Maximilian Ernst, MontfortQ50828388commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
7012Sophie Theresia, Limburg-Styrum, Gräfincommissioner room (deckenmalerei)
7058Ortenburg, Christiane Louise vonQ60844137commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
7129Asam, Maria Theresiaartist (deckenmalerei)
artist room (deckenmalerei)
7135Galen, Anna Maria voncommissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
7136Recke, Anna Maria Theresia von dercommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
7138Landsberg, Anna Theresia voncommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
7185Augusta, von DänemarkQ274428commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
7215Marie Amelie, Hessen-Kassel, LandgräfinQ271906commissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
7250Maria Josepha, Polen, KöniginQ84276commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
7254Rumohr, Anna Sophia voncommissioner (deckenmalerei)
commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
7322Anna Erika von WaldeckQ560293commissioner building (deckenmalerei)
commissioner room (deckenmalerei)
7323Christine Sophie von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttelcommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
7366Schönau-Zell, Maria Catharina Barbaracommissioner building (deckenmalerei)
7476Médicis, Marie deQ182021commissioner (heurist)
7666Cossé-Brissac, Marie de, maréchale de La MeillerayeQ109795728commissioner (heurist)
7696Bourbon-Condé, Louise-Adélaïde deQ1757328commissioner (heurist)
7731Souvré, Madeleine deQ464403commissioner (heurist)
7876Le Bel de La Boissière de Séry, Marie-Louise MadeleineQ15623159commissioner (heurist)
7901Ailly, Charlotte d'Q55882471commissioner (heurist)
8156Balzac d'Entragues, Marie-Charlotte deQ3291619commissioner (heurist)
8316France, Diane deQ113422commissioner (heurist)
8516Phélypeaux, AnneQ110639106commissioner (heurist)
8576D'Albert de Luynes, Jeanne BaptisteQ293356commissioner (heurist)
8816Kinsky, Marie-Léopoldine Palffy d'Erdöd, princesseQ118458781commissioner (heurist)
8944Anne d'AutricheQ151209commissioner (heurist)
8977Hohenlohe-Bartenstein, Maria Felicitas, Gräfincommissioner building (deckenmalerei)

Icon classes Level 0

9Classical Mythology and Ancient History52573598
4Society, Civilization, Culture4993502
1Religion and Magic2776283
3Human Being, Man in General1380138
5Abstract Ideas and Concepts82890

Icon classes Level 1

92gods ~ classical mythology42758485
25earth, world as celestial body2962298
11Christian religion2605265
41material aspects of daily life1780178
31man in a general biological sense1070107
26meteorological phenomena1001101
44state; law; political life93093
96Roman gods and legends84791
49education, science and learning87188
71Old Testament86288
45warfare; military affairs85186
46social and economic life, transport and communication77077
73New Testament77077
94the Greek heroic legends (I)661076
43recreation, amusement69069
47crafts and industries67168
24the heavens (celestial bodies)53356
91myths about creation: cosmogony, theogony, and the origin of man31435
52Reasoning and Formation of Ideas29231
93meetings and dwellings of the gods24428
21the four elements, and ether, the fifth element24327
59Aspects of Social Conduct24125
98classical history22123
34man and animal21021
42family, descendance20020
61historical events and situations; historical persons19019
22natural phenomena17118
97metamorphoses ~ classical mythology11617
54Process of Action14317
95the Greek heroic legends (II)8816
12non-Christian religions (including institutions, customs and antiquities)12113
33relations between individual persons10010
32human types; peoples and nationalities606
20'Natura' (allegorical figure or scene; or as Diana of Ephesus, with many breasts); 'Natura' (Ripa)505
53Will, Volition303
35pastorals, Arcadian scenes101
13magic, supernaturalism, occultism101
72typological juxtapositions and compositions101

Icon classes Level 2

92Dlesser divinities of Heaven ~ serving and attendant environment24713260
92Bthe great gods of Heaven, and their train15931190
92Cthe great goddesses of Heaven, and their train15319172
25Gplants; vegetation1320132
48Cthe arts; artists1251126
48Aart and the public; styles and ornaments88189
44Bgovernment, the State; 'Politica', 'Auttorità o Potestà' (Ripa)78078
96ARoman deities, and foreign deities included in the classical Pantheon70474
31Athe (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa)70070
45C(military) equipment and supply61061
41Dfashion, clothing53053
11M'Sapientia' and the Seven Virtues, i.e. the Three Theological and the Four Cardinal Virtues48351
43Csports, games and physical performances49049
92Lgods of the earth and fertility ~ life in mountains and woods45348
94L(story of) Hercules (Heracles)39746
47Iagriculture, cattle-breeding, horticulture, flowerculture, etc.44044
46Ctraffic and transport40040
11Qthe worship of God40040
23Dseasons of the year (esp. personifications); 'Stagione', 'Le quattro stagione dell'anno' (Ripa)34236
49Lwriting and letters35035
92Elesser divinities of Heaven ~ phenomena of air and sky28634
41Cnutrition, nourishment34034
41Bheating, lighting, ventilating34034
71CGenesis: the patriarchs34034
23Rday and night221133
11Iprophets, sibyls, evangelists, Doctors of the Church; persons ~ the Bible (not in biblical context)31132
92Hgods of the waters: Neptune and his environment25631
11Pthe Church (as institution)30131
49Mproduction of printed matter, book-production29029
46Acommunal life28028
91Boffspring of Uranus and Gaea (Titans, Cyclopes, Centimani)25227
52AIntelligence and Intellectual Faculties26127
92Mgods of the earth and fertility ~ agriculture23225
25Bcontinents represented allegorically24125
11CGod the Father25025
57AGood and Bad Behaviour, Moral Qualities21122
25Icity-view, and landscape with man-made constructions22022
73DPassion of Christ22022
45Awar and peace21122
59BSocial Position20121
11Fthe Virgin Mary21021
23Aallegory of Time and Eternity19221
34Bdomestic animals, kept in and outside the house20020
98Bmale persons from classical history20020
47Dmachines; parts of machines; tools and appliances19019
73Eevents from Resurrection to Pentecost (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21; Acts 1:3-11); Mary's and Joseph's death19019
24Asun as celestial body16218
24Cplanets (except the earth)17118
73Flives and acts of the apostles of Christ; epistles17017
46Btrade, commerce and finance17017
23Ozodiac; the twelve zodiacal signs together14216
31Dhuman life and its ages (young, adult, old, etc.)15015
11Bthe Holy Trinity, 'Trinitas coelestis'; Father, Son and Holy Ghost ~ Christian religion15015
11Ethe Holy Ghost15015
61Bhistorical persons (portraits and scenes from the life)14014
31Bmind, spirit14014
92Ngods of the underworld10414
11NVice, and the Seven Deadly Sins14014
49Caspects of science in general13013
92Igods of the waters: the older dynasty (first series): offspring of Pontus and the monsters of the sea9413
93DHelicon, sacred to the Muses13013
96Bthe story of Aeneas' wanderings to Italy (Virgil, Aeneid)11112
95Athe Greek heroic legends (II): heroes5712
44Asymbols of the state (in general)12012
94Cthe Trojan war (94C - 94H)7411
11LChristian doctrine11011
54FFortune and Misfortune7310
71EExodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua: from the bondage of the Israelites in Egypt to their settlement in Canaan10010
31Edeath of human being10010
24Bmoon as celestial body10010
25Amaps, atlases909
54AState of Being while Doing909
31Fsymbols and personifications of Death909
33Crelations between the sexes909
73Cpublic life of Christ: from his baptism until the Passion909
93Ameetings of the gods729
21Dwater (one of the four elements)909
44Glaw and jurisprudence808
49Gmedicine, medical science808
21Bearth (one of the four elements)718
51HQuantity and Degree628
92Athe Olympian gods together: Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Ceres, Apollo, Diana, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Minerva, Vulcan, Vesta (or Bacchus)617
71DGenesis: the story of Joseph707
94P(story of) Perseus437
21Cfire (one of the four elements)707
45Dinsignia; division of armed forces; ranks707
14Castrological signs and symbols707
42Eburial rites707
21Aair (one of the four elements)707
24Ffirmament, sky707
49Escience and technology707
45Bthe soldier; the soldier's life606
95Bthe Greek heroic legends (II): heroines336
59CJustice and Injustice606
92Glesser divinities of Heaven ~ destiny, fate, adversity516
92Kgods of the waters: the older dynasty (second series): children of Oceanus, river and small water deities606
96Cheroes, male characters from the legendary origins of Rome426
23Hseasons of the year represented by concepts other than personifications, human activities, landscapes, or still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (e.g. biblical scenes)606
47Htextile industry and clothing industry505
12AJewish religion and culture505
93CParnassus, sacred to Apollo Musagetes325
32Bpeoples; ethnic groups; nationalities505
73A(scenes from the life of) John the Baptist and Mary505
97Ametamorphoses of male persons into trees235
73Bbirth and youth of Christ505
45Loccupation ~ war505
71Hstory of David505
94R(story of) the Dioscuri: Castor (the horse-tamer) and Pollux (the boxer)505
71Pthe story of the prophet Daniel; his visions and prophecies505
49Khistorical disciplines; philology505
97Cmetamorphoses of male persons into mammals415
55CUse of Property314
61Dgeographical names of countries, regions, mountains, rivers, etc.404
42Aprocreation, birth and (early) youth404
97Dmetamorphoses of male persons into birds314
91Cthe battles (of Titans, Giants, Typhon, Aloeids) with the gods314
94O(story of) Orpheus404
42Fhousehold management; housewife at work404
23Fseasons of the year represented by landscapes134
12FRoman religion (including Etruscan religion)314
71Istory of Solomon404
98Cfemale persons from classical history314
71Mstory of Elijah (Elias)404
73Gthe Revelation of John, the Apocalypse404
71AGenesis from the creation to the expulsion from paradise, and later years of Adam and Eve404
11Sheaven, celestial paradise, New Earth404
91Eorigin of man314
57BJudgment of Conduct303
45Iafter the battle303
45Ksiege, position war303
11Kdevil(s) and demons303
71BGenesis from the descendants of Cain and Seth to Abraham303
11ADeity, God (in general) ~ Christian religion303
47Gbuilding activities303
71Fthe time of the Judges303
94N(story of) Meleager303
12Bnon-Christian religions and cults (in general)202
11Ostrife between Virtues and Vices, Psychomachy202
23Eseasons of the year represented by scenes showing human activities, usually in a landscape202
53CAuthority and Subordination202
71Kdivision of the Kingdom, and story of Israel, the Northern Kingdom202
93EHades, the Underworld202
12EGreek religion (including Minoan and Mycenaean culture)202
71Xthe lyric books: Psalms and Song of Solomon202
23Gseasons of the year represented by still lifes of flowers and/or fruits202
45Hbattle, fighting in general202
71Tthe book of Tobit022
33Anon-aggressive relationships202
25Lcities represented allegorically or symbolically202
93Fthe Garden of the Hesperides202
480symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ art; 'Arte' (Ripa)202
47Bhandicrafts and industries202
11ULast Judgement202
42Gfamily, relationship, descent202
94Dthe Trojan war: the journey to Troy202
46Epost, telegraph and telephone; means of communication202
94S(story of) Bellerophon202
56FDesire and Aversion202
42Dbetrothal and marriage101
23Qdays of the week101
44Dadministrative bodies101
48Bartist (in general)101
71Vthe book of Jonah101
55AAcquisition and Loss101
71Uthe book of Judith101
13Ageneral phenomena ~ magic and supernaturalism (spirits, ghosts, etc.)101
53ACharacteristics of Will101
71Sprophets (after the Babylonian Captivity)101
31Gthe soul101
71Ythe books of Wisdom101
14Aastrologer at work101
23Ithe twelve months (especially personifications); 'Mese in generale' (Ripa)011
71Oprophets (before and during the Babylonian Captivity)101
72Bcomprehensive typological compositions101
470'Artes Mechanicae' (Lanificium, Armatura, Navigatio, Agricultura, Venatio, Medicina, Theatrica)011
59AMan ~ Community101
58BVitality and Mortality101
47Kcommercial fishery101
51BKinds of Relation101
94Iadventures of the Greeks after the fall of Troy: the wanderings of Ulysses (Homer, Odyssey)011
94Hlast months of the siege and the fall of Troy011
51KAspects of Change101
32Ahuman types101
42Bparents with their children101
92Flesser divinities of Heaven ~ birth and healing101
97Fmetamorphoses of male persons into stone011
94Gthe tenth year of the Trojan war (part II): Achilles back to war; his last deeds and his death101
52DCommunication of Thought (qualitative aspects)011
34Cprotection of animals101
61Cproper names of plants and animals101
54EReciprocal Action101

Icon classes Full Detail (at least 5 occurances)

92D1916cupids: 'amores', 'amoretti', 'putti'1793182
48A9876ornament ~ cartouche34034
92C2(story of) Minerva (Pallas, Athena)27431
25G4111garland, wreath30030
92B5(story of) Mercury (Hermes)23528
11G1911cherubs, i.e. children's heads with wings27027
92B3(story of) Apollo (Phoebus)151126
92C4(story of) Venus (Aphrodite)23124
44B191crown (symbol of sovereignty)23023
92B1(story of) Jupiter (Zeus)18422
92D1(story of) Cupid, Amor (Eros)18220
92C371Diana as moon-goddess, i.e. Luna (Selene)18220
49MM32book - MM - book open20020
44B192sceptre, staff (symbol of sovereignty)20020
96A23(story of) Flora16319
43C1147hunting dogs19019
92B11221'Cornucopia', Horn of Plenty19019
11G21angels singing, making music18018
48C161column, pillar ~ architecture18018
92C3(story of) Diana (Artemis)18018
23R110personification of the morning, 'Aurora'; 'Aurora' (Ripa)11718
45C11(SPEAR)casting weapons: spear17017
48A9863rocaille ornament17017
41A7751container made of plant material other than wood: basket16016
92C1(story of) Juno (Hera)12416
11P31131insignia of bishop, e.g. mitre, crozier16016
48C7352horn, trumpet, cornet, trombone, tuba16016
92B3731Apollo and the Muses, Apollo Musagetes7916
92B4(story of) Mars (Ares)14216
45C13(SWORD)hacking and thrusting weapons: sword16016
92B371Apollo as sun-god, i.e. Sol (Helius), Titan13316
41D26611pearl; pearl necklace15015
25F23(LION)beasts of prey, predatory animals: lion15015
11D121cross as symbol of Christ15015
59B32Fame; 'Fama', 'Fama buona', 'Fama chiara' (Ripa)13114
92C27specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Minerva; Minerva as patroness14014
43A433crowning with laurel14014
91B111(story of) Saturn (Cronus)13114
25G41(Rose)flowers (Rose)13013
11M44Justice, 'Justitia'; 'Giustitia divina' (Ripa) ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues12113
25B1Europe represented allegorically; 'Europa' (Ripa)13013
94L(story of) Hercules (Heracles)10313
92M1(story of) Ceres (Demeter)12113
92H1(story of) Neptune (Poseidon)12113
23D43summer, 'Aestas'; 'Estate' (Ripa)13013
48C510'Pictura', symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ painting; 'Pittura' (Ripa)11112
25B2Asia represented allegorically; 'Asia' (Ripa)12012
92C321Diana (Luna) visiting the sleeping Endymion5712
44BB191crown (symbol of sovereignty) - BB - female ruler12012
25B3Africa represented allegorically; 'Africa' (Ripa)12012
93D1Pegasus, the winged horse12012
48A9875ornament ~ festoon, garland12012
92B3711Apollo in the chariot of the sun, drawn by four horses, usually preceded by Aurora holding a torch; 'Carro del Sole' (Ripa)10212
41D2665brooch, agraffe, clasp12012
92D4(story of the) Muses; 'Muse' (Ripa)9211
92C271Minerva as patroness11011
41D2666diadem, tiara11011
23D42spring, 'Ver'; 'Primavera' (Ripa)11011
48A9872ornament ~ grotesque11011
23D44autumn, fall, 'Autumnus'; 'Autunno' (Ripa)11011
92D19164cupids together with attributes of the arts, sciences, etc.11011
21the four elements, and ether, the fifth element9211
25G3(LAUREL)(+221)trees: laurel (+ sprig, twig)11011
11G191angel(s) represented as child(ren)10010
92B18(EAGLE)attributes of Jupiter: eagle10010
48C10'Architectura', symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ architecture; 'Architettura' (Ripa)9110
23D4year divided into four seasons9110
92L41satyr(s) (in general)10010
25B4America represented allegorically; 'America' (Ripa)10010
52A6Truth; 'Verità' (Ripa)909
41D263walking-stick, staff, cane909
25F35(Parrot)ornamental birds (Parrot)909
25F24(STAG)hoofed animals: stag909
23A1Father Time, man with wings and scythe909
25F35(Peacock)ornamental birds (Peacock)909
48AA9853scallop, shell ~ ornament - AA - stylized909
25F36(Swan)water-birds (Swan)909
26E2lightning, flash of lightning, thunderbolt909
41A646garden vase909
92B39117fall of Phaethon; he is struck by a thunderbolt of Jupiter549
23D41winter, 'Hyems'; 'Inverno' (Ripa)909
92B58(CADUCEUS)caduceus (staff with two snakes, attribute of Mercury)808
92C37specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Diana; Diana as patroness808
31A22210heart symbolism808
92D19218Psyche is carried up to Olympus by Mercury178
94L7specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Hercules; Hercules as patron808
11M4the Four Cardinal Virtues628
47I1111ears of corn808
92L1(story of) Bacchus (Dionysus), Liber718
41AA11palace - AA - civic architecture: inside808
48C70'Musica', symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ music; 'Musica'(Ripa)718
48C145architectural settings in paintings, sculptures, etc.808
41C326jar, jug (used as drinking-vessel)808
92B57specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Mercury; Mercury as patron808
48A983111acanthus ~ ornament808
48C20'Sculptura', symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ sculpture; 'Scoltura' (Ripa)718
92D18(BOW AND ARROW)attributes of Cupid: bow and arrow808
11M33Charity, 'Caritas'; 'Carità' (Ripa) ~ one of the Three Theological Virtues808
48CC7321lyre, cithara, psaltery - CC - out of doors808
25F22monkeys, apes808
92C392companions, nymphs of Diana; 'Ninfe di Diana' (Ripa)808
45A20symbols, allegories of peace, 'Pax'; 'Pace' (Ripa)808
22C311nimbus, halo ~ radiance emanating from persons or things808
92D3Graces (Charites), generally three in number; 'Gratie' (Ripa)808
11H(MATTHEW)the apostle and evangelist Matthew (Mattheus); possible attributes: angel, axe, book, halberd, pen and inkhorn, purse, scroll, square, sword707
92Athe Olympian gods together: Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Ceres, Apollo, Diana, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Minerva, Vulcan, Vesta (or Bacchus)617
41D2632parasol, sunshade707
92C152Juno asks Aeolus to set the winds free (Virgil, Aeneid I 50-86)437
25I152monument, statue707
41D221(TURBAN)head-gear: turban707
92L3nymphs (in general); 'Ninfe in commune' (Ripa)707
11E1Holy Ghost represented as a dove (in flames)707
25Bcontinents represented allegorically617
46C131riding a horse, ass, or mule; rider, horseman707
92B18(THUNDERBOLT)attributes of Jupiter: thunderbolt707
21Dwater (one of the four elements)707
11G192angel(s) represented as youth(s) or adult(s)707
45C19(SHIELD)protective weapons: shield707
11M41Prudence, 'Prudentia'; 'Prudenza' (Ripa) ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues707
41D212coat, cape707
44BB192sceptre, staff (symbol of sovereignty) - BB - female ruler707
49LL71scroll - LL - scroll unfolded707
23R140personification of the night, 'Nox'; 'Notte', 'Carro della notte', 'Serenità della notte' (Ripa)527
96A5(FAMA)Fama as Roman personification707
54F12Luck, Fortune, Lot; 'Fato', 'Fortuna', 'Fortuna aurea', 'Fortuna buona', 'Fortuna pacifica overo clemente', 'Sorte' (Ripa)527
11H(JOHN)the apostle John the Evangelist; possible attributes: book, cauldron, chalice with snake, eagle, palm, scroll707
14Castrological signs and symbols707
73E77the assumption of Mary ('assumptio corporis'): she is borne into heaven by angels606
25H111mountain-range, snow peaks606
92B1711Jupiter and Juno as king and queen of Heaven606
24A6sun represented as face, wheel, etc.606
92E5421Zephyrus abducting Flora (or Chloris), who usually scatters flowers156
11M43Fortitude, 'Fortitudo' ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues606
11F11symbols of Mary606
92H18(TRIDENT)attributes of Neptune: trident606
51H42Abundance; 'Abondanza', 'Abondanza maritima' (Ripa)426
48C75making music; musician with instrument606
92B38(LYRE)attributes of Apollo: lyre606
25G3(LAUREL)(+2)trees: laurel (+ parts of plants)606
25I153obelisk, needle606
96A5Roman personifications of abstract concepts606
11M42Temperance, 'Temperantia'; 'Temperanza' (Ripa) ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues606
11I16(single) prophet, unspecified606
11H(LUKE)Luke the evangelist; possible attributes: book, (winged) ox, portrait of the Virgin, surgical instruments, painter's utensils, scroll606
71DGenesis: the story of Joseph606
41A4231canopy, baldachin606
25F33(EAGLE)predatory birds: eagle606
92B58(PETASUS)attributes of Mercury: petasus, a winged sun hat606
92B39113Phaethon asks Apollo (Sol) for the chariot of the sun246
92D428Urania (one of the Muses); 'Urania' (Ripa)606
92C281Aegis: shield with Gorgon's head (attribute of Minerva)606
48AA98311foliage ~ ornament - AA - stylized606
31A27631sitting or standing on clouds606
92B58attributes of Mercury606
11P31111insignia of the pope, e.g. tiara606
71C131the sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22)606
92D425Terpsichore (one of the Muses); 'Terpsicore' (Ripa)606
92B38attributes of Apollo606
92D1921story of Cupid and Psyche (Apuleius, 'Metamorphoses' (Golden Ass) IV 28 - VI 25)246
48C901symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ poetry; 'Poesia' (Ripa)516
25G3(Laurel)(+22)trees (Laurel) (+ branch, stick)606
92B1222Jupiter, in the shape of a swan, and Leda516
96A43Genii (Roman tutelary spirits); 'Genio' (Ripa)606
96A5(PAX)Pax as Roman personification606
92D421Clio (one of the Muses); 'Clio' (Ripa)606
93CParnassus, sacred to Apollo Musagetes325
92I2278triumph of Galatea235
92D426Erato (one of the Muses); 'Erato' (Ripa)505
43C11hunting, chase505
92C421Venus and Adonis as lovers415
49L16letter combinations such as letterword, anagram, letter square, monogram, etc.505
11M31Faith, 'Fides'; 'Fede', 'Fede catholica', 'Fede christiana', 'Fede christiana catholica' (Ripa) ~ one of the Three Theological Virtues505
92M17specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Ceres; Ceres as patroness505
48C143ideal and visionary architecture505
96A5(FIDES)Fides (faith) as Roman personification505
92B373Apollo playing the lyre, Apollo Citharoedus505
45C16(RIFLE)firearms: rifle505
25H2130river personified, 'Fiumi' (Ripa)505
47D8(AXE)(+0)tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: axe (+ variant)505
94L69apotheosis of Hercules: he is borne to heaven in a four-horse chariot and reconciled with Juno325
11N32Envy; 'Invidia' (Ripa) ~ personification of one of the Seven Deadly Sins505
47H6textile fabric, cloth505
45C12(CLUB)weapons for striking a blow: club505
25G411cut flowers; nosegay, bunch of flowers505
23O33Virgo (zodiacal sign of August)415
92D424Melpomene (one of the Muses); 'Melpomene' (Ripa)505
24the heavens (celestial bodies)505
92L17specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Bacchus; Bacchus as patron505
11C11the all-seeing eye, triangle with eye ~ symbol of God the Father505
48A98313branches, 'Astwerk' ~ ornament505
44B10virtues of the ruler505
92N1231the rape of Proserpina (by Pluto in his chariot); possibly with Diana and Minerva trying to rescue her325
92B47specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Mars; Mars as patron505
22C31radiance emanating from persons or things505
92D423Thalia (one of the Muses); 'Talia' (Ripa)505
92E5121Boreas abducting Orithyia415
52A2Forethought, Deliberation; 'Previdenza', 'Providenza' (Ripa)505
73D82(CROWN OF THORNS)crown of thorns ~ instruments of the Passion505
11B33representations of the Trinity505
21Bearth (one of the four elements)505
21Cfire (one of the four elements)505
96A237specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Flora; Flora as patroness505
54F11Welfare, Prosperity; 'Felicità publica', 'Prosperità della vita', 'Salute' (Ripa)235
48C1623dome ~ architecture505
11N1Vice, Evil, Sin; 'Peccato' (Ripa)505
11H(MARK)Mark (Marcus) the evangelist, and bishop of Alexandria; possible attributes: book, (winged) lion, pen and inkhorn, scroll505
25G41(LILY)flowers: lily505
41D221(HAT)head-gear: hat505
92L5(story of) Pan505
92D427Polyhymnia (one of the Muses); 'Polinnia' (Ripa)505
49G359medical instruments505
42family, descendance505
45A233Peace and Justice kissing (cf. Ps. 85:10)505
25F39(DOVE)other birds: dove505
11E541'Sapientia', Wisdom; 'Sapienza divina' (Ripa) ~ one of the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost505
45D1(military) flags and standards505
49K10'Historia'; 'Historia' (Ripa)505
21Aair (one of the four elements)505
96B721assembly of the gods ~ Aeneas' return to the battle of Latium505
11M3the Three Theological Virtues505
48A98211mask, mascaron ~ ornament415
92BB121the rape of Ganymede: he is carried off through the air by Jupiter in the form of an eagle, or by the eagle of Jupiter415
25F24(CAMEL)hoofed animals: camel505
92B37specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Apollo; Apollo as patron505